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Videoguys Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 52 086 380 403
Unit 12, 25 Howleys Road
Notting Hill Vic 3168
Ph:(03) 9543 8885 Fax:(03) 9543 8865


Rockn VT-1018 YOP 10.1inch 1080p HDMI Multi-Touch Monitor
Rockn VT-1018 YOP 10.1inch 1080p HDMI Multi-Touch Monitor
Product Discontinued


You Pay: $695.00

The new Rockn 10.1inch Monitor with LED IPS panel field monitor with Multi-touch capacitive menu, with new advanced Functions, with HDMI, Composite, TALLY, VGA inputs HDMI, VIDEO output

The new Rockn 10.1inch Monitor with LED IPS panel field monitor with Multi-touch capacitive menu, with new advanced Functions, with HDMI, Composite, TALLY, VGA inputs; HDMI, VIDEO output

Advanced Functions:


Histogram consist of RGB, Color & Luminance histograms.

    RGB histogram: shows the red, green, and blue channels in overlay histogram,
    Color histogram: shows histograms for each of the red, green, and blue channels,
    Luminance histogram: shows the distribution of brightness in an image as a graph of luminance.


Waveform monitoring consist of Luminance, YCbCr parade & RGB parade Waveforms, which used for measuring the brightness, luminance or chroma values from a video input signal. It not only can warn the user for out-of-range conditions such as overexposure errors, but also assist with colour correction & camera white and black balance.

Vector scope

Vector scope shows how saturated the image is and where the pixels in the image land on the color spectrum. It can also be displayed in various sizes & positions, that allows users to monitor color gamut range in real time.

Audio Level Meter

The Audio Level Meters provide numerical indicators and headroom levels.
It can generate accurate audio level displays to prevent errors during monitoring.