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Videoguys Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 52 086 380 403
Unit 12, 25 Howleys Road
Notting Hill Vic 3168
Ph:(03) 9543 8885 Fax:(03) 9543 8865


Datavideo TC-200 SDI Title Creator
Datavideo TC-200 SDI Title Creator
SKU: TC-200

You Pay: $1,495.00

The TC-200 offers an SDI input supporting Overlay mode and two SDI outputs supporting DSK (downstream keyer) Fill and Key signals, allowing you to forego the use of an SDI adapter installed into your computer, and in turn allowing you to use a laptop on-the-go. This kit supports vision mixers with and without a DSK. In cases without a DSK, the TC-200 Overlay Box's Title Overlay mode substitutes for the lack of it.

Special Notice
The laptop is not included.

The TC-200 offers an SDI input supporting Overlay mode and two SDI outputs supporting DSK (downstream keyer) Fill and Key signals, allowing you to forego the use of an SDI adapter installed into your computer, and in turn allowing you to use a laptop on-the-go. This kit supports vision mixers with and without a DSK. In cases without a DSK, the TC-200 Overlay Box's Title Overlay mode substitutes for the lack of it.