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Videoguys Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 52 086 380 403
Unit 12, 25 Howleys Road
Notting Hill Vic 3168
Ph:(03) 9543 8885 Fax:(03) 9543 8865


AJA 12GM 12G-SDI to/from SDI Muxer/DeMuxer
AJA 12GM 12G-SDI to/from SDI Muxer/DeMuxer

You Pay: $2,139.00
SRP: $2,320.00
Instant Savings: $181.00 (8%)

AJA's 12GM is an SDI standard converter. Resolutions up to DCI 4K are supported, so Quad 3G-SDI can be converted into 12G and vice-versa. Multi-link signals can now be combined to run over fewer cables, and newer standards can now be backward compatible with legacy SDI gear. All signals are re-clocked and amplified to ensure signal integrity over long cable runs.

AJA's�12GM�is an SDI standard converter. Resolutions up to DCI 4K are supported, so Quad 3G-SDI can be converted into 12G and vice-versa. Multi-link signals can now be combined to run over fewer cables, and newer standards can now be backward compatible with legacy SDI gear. All signals are re-clocked and amplified to ensure signal integrity over long cable runs.

Key Features

  • Compact 12G to/from 3G conversion
  • SMPTE 2082 inputs and outputs configurable to SMPTE 425 inputs and outputs
  • Converts SMPTE 425M A to/from SMPTE 425M B
  • Fully equalizing and reclocking with jitter attenuation
  • If SMPTE 292M is input, all outputs are 1.5G SMPTE 292M
  • DWP-U-R1 power supply included