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Videoguys Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 52 086 380 403
Unit 12, 25 Howleys Road
Notting Hill Vic 3168
Ph:(03) 9543 8885 Fax:(03) 9543 8865


RGBlink ASK Nano
RGBlink ASK Nano

You Pay: $349.00
SRP: $385.00
Instant Savings: $36.00 (9%)

RGBlink ASK nano puts the power of collaboration in your pocket with HDMI stocks and dongles that make screen sharing for laptops, tablets and mobile devices more convenient than ever.

RGBlink ASK nano puts the power of collaboration in your pocket with HDMI stocks and dongles that make screen sharing for laptops, tablets and mobile devices more convenient than ever. Simply connect a compact ASK nano TX transmitter to a Windows or macOS computer for fast, driver free connection to an ASK nano RXreceiver display ? no lag, high frame rate, full rich colour video without compression. ASK nano goes anywhere with no fuss wireless video sharing on demand everywhere.